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Insomnia and the Liver


Updated: Mar 26, 2023

A healthy liver removes toxins and distributes necessary nutrients to your muscles and organs. When it functions well, your ideas are clear, and you are more focused.

But sometimes it can get "dirty" because of stress which is the creator of "free radicals" but also from alcohol or heavy metal build-up. If you randomly wake up in the middle of the night, it could be that your liver needs attention!

Around 3 a.m., when your blood returns to the liver to be filtered, the toxins irritate it, and you end up waking up.

Chinese medicine will call it stagnation of Qi, or even of "stasis" of blood.

In the long term, an engorged liver promotes the emergence of gastrointestinal illnesses. The engorged liver causes an excess of Yang.

However, insomnia alone is not always enough to see a liver in pain.

Other symptoms can also be indicative of an unhealthy liver:

  • Heaviness and bloating after meals, which indicates a weakened liver and gallbladder.

  • Cramps: your muscles and tendons receive less magnesium, which is metabolized in the liver and necessary for their flexibility.

  • Striated nails: deficiency in keratin, produced in the liver.

The imbalance caused by the excess of Yang also affects your morale.

Yang is the reverse side of Yin. It is a warm, luminous, masculine, active force, while Yin is a calm, dark, cold, gentle form.

People in excess of Yang will suffer the following:

  • Fatigue and anxiety.

  • Irritability and impatience.

  • Nervousness.

  • Tightness.

Chinese medicine is based on the following aspects:

  • Diet.

  • Therapeutic massages.

  • The pressure of points of the body (acupressure or needles).

  • Physical activity.



A chicory cure, which will "purge" your liver and provide Yin to calm your excess Yang.

Rich in inulin, it boosts liver function and helps purify toxins. It also increases the rate of magnesium absorption to relax muscles. Consume chicory 3 times a week, for 3 weeks.


It involves massaging, in circles, with flat hands, your digestive organs and your spleen.

Repeat these gestures: on your intestines and your solar plexus. Breathe deeply during this exercise.

Instead of focusing on your spleen, focus on the area of ​​your liver, below your right rib.

Perform circles, with light pressure, without hurting yourself, for a minimum of ten minutes, more if you feel it is doing you good.

Pressure point: Liver 3 (LR3)


Press and hold for a few minutes with your thumb, rotate or tap the following area as shown in the photo below. Try this technique before falling asleep, for 1 to 2 minutes.

These techniques combined will rebalance the blood flow in the liver, which in turn can significantly enhance your quality of sleep.

Chinese medicine is all about the philosophy and science of balance.

Take good care of yourself!


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